Christian Saints Podcast

Saint Mary of Egypt

March 27, 2021 Darren C. Ong Season 1 Episode 23
Christian Saints Podcast
Saint Mary of Egypt
Show Notes Transcript

Saint Mary of Egypt was a desert hermit who died in the year 522. She is very important in the Lenten practice of the Eastern Orthodox Church - in fact, for the Eastern Orthodox, the Fifth Sunday of Lent is known as the Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt.

Saint Mary was a godless, sexually promiscuous hedonist in her early life. When she tried to enter a church in Jerusalem, and invincible force prevented her from getting in. Only after remorseful pleading at an icon of the Virgin Mary was Saint Mary of Egypt able to enter the church. She was shaken by this miracle, and vowed to cast off her old life, and lived the rest of her days as an ascetic in the desert. Despite the sinfulness of her youth, Saint Mary's sincere repentance transformed her, and she is celebrated  today as a model for Christian repentance, and as evidence that God's grace can save even the most depraved sinner.

In this episode, we will read an account by Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem about Saint Mary of Egypt and her encounter with Saint Zosima, a monk in Palestine at the end of her life. 

The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sounds & Paradosis Pavilion with oversight from Fr Symeon Kees

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All music in these episodes is a production of Generative Sounds
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Copyright 2021 - 2023

 Welcome to the Christian Saints Podcast. My name is Darren Ong, recording from Sepang in Malaysia. In this podcast, we explore the lives of the Christian saints, from the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Today, we will commemorate Saint Mary of Egypt, a desert hermit who died in 522.
 Saint Mary of Egypt is recognized as a saint in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, but she is particularly important in the East, and especially during Lent. The Orthodox in fact commemorate her in Lent three times: once on April 1, her feast day. Once during the fifth Sunday of Lent, which is known as the “Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt”. Her life story is also read during the great canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, which is a midweek Lenten service on the Fifth Week of Lent. She is regarded as a model for Lenten penitence, showing Christians how to take our sins seriously, and to repent from them.
 The main source for St Mary of Egypt’s life is an account written by Saint Soprhonius, Patriarch of Jerusalem. In this account, Saint Zosima, a monk and priest in Palestine who visited a monastery by the River Jordan. This monastery had a custom where, during Lent the monks would cross the River Jordan and each wander in the desert alone with little food, praying and singing to God. The monks would spend most of Lent like this, only returning to the monastery on Palm Sunday. 
Saint Zosima took part in this custom, and during his wanderings, as he was praying he encountered a strange woman in the desert. I will be reading excerpts from Saint Sophronius’ Life of Saint mary of Egypt. This text is read in full in the Wedneday or Thursday of the fifth week of Lent in Orthodox Churches, during the Penitential Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete.
 he suddenly saw to the right of the hillock on which he stood the semblance of a human body. At first he was confused thinking he beheld a vision of the devil, and even started with fear. But, having guarded himself with the sign of the Cross and banished all fear, he turned his gaze in that direction and in truth saw some form gliding southwards. It was naked, the skin dark as if burned up by the heat of the sun; the hair on its head was white as a fleece, and not long, falling just below its neck. Zosima was so overjoyed at beholding a human form that he ran after it in pursuit, but the form fled from him. He followed. At length, when he was near enough to be heard, he shouted: "Why do you run from an old man and a sinner? Slave of the True God, wait for me, whoever you are, in God's name I tell you, for the love of God for Whose sake you are living in the desert." "Forgive me for God's sake, but I cannot turn towards you and show you my face, Abba Zosima. For I am a woman and naked as you see with the uncovered shame of my body. But if you would like to fulfil one wish of a sinful woman, throw me your cloak so that I can cover my body and can turn to you and ask for your blessing." Here terror seized Zosima, for he heard that she called him by name. But he realized that she could not have done so without knowing anything of him if she had not had the power of spiritual insight. He at once did as he was asked. He took off his old, tattered cloak and threw it to her, turning away as he did so. she picked it up and was able to cover at least a part of her body.

Then she turned to Zosima and said: "Why did you wish, Abba Zosima, to see a sinful woman? What do you wish to hear or learn from me, you who have not shrunk from such great struggles?" Zosima threw himself on the ground and asked for her blessing. She likewise bowed down before him. And thus they lay on the ground prostrate asking for each other's blessing. And one word alone could be heard from both: "Bless me!" After a long while the woman said to Zosima: "Abba Zosima, it is you who must give blessing and pray. You are dignified by the order of priesthood and for may years you have been standing before the holy altar and offering the sacrifice of the Divine Mysteries." This flung Zosima into even greater terror. At length with tears he said to her: "O mother, filled with he spirit, by your mode of life it is evident that you live with God and have died to the world. The Grace granted to you is apparent -- for you have called me by name and recognized that I am a priest, though you have never seen me before. Grace is recognized not by one's orders, but by gifts of the Spirit, so give me your blessing for God's sake, for I need your prayers." Then giving way before the wish of the elder the woman said: "Blessed is God Who cares for the salvation of men and their souls." Zosima answered: "Amen." And both rose to their feet. Then the woman asked the elder: "Why have you come, man of God, to me who am so sinful? Why do you wish to see a woman naked an devoid of every virtue? Though I know one thing -- the Grace of the Holy Spirit has brought you to render me a service in time. Tell me, father, how are the Christian peoples living? And the kings? How is the Church guided?" Zosima said: "By your prayers, mother, Christ has granted lasting peace to all. But fulfill the unworthy petition of an old man and pray for the whole world and for me who am a sinner, so that my wanderings in the desert may not be fruitless." She answered: "You who are a priest, Abba Zosima, it is you who must pray for me and for all -- for this is your calling. But as we must all be obedient, I will gladly do what you ask." And with these words she turned to the East, and raising her eyes to heaven and stretching out her hands, she began to pray in a whisper. 
 Saint Zosima was intrigued, and begged the old woman to tell her story, why and how she ended up naked in the desert. 
 "I am ashamed, Abba, to speak to you of my disgraceful life, forgive me for God's sake! But as you have already seen my naked body I shall likewise lay bare before you my work, so that you may know with what shame and obscenity my soul is filled. I was not running away out of vanity, as you thought, for what have I to be proud of -- I who was the chosen vessel of the devil? But when I start my story you will run from me, as from a snake, for your ears will not be able to bear the vileness of my actions. But I shall tell you all without hiding anything, only imploring you first of all to pray incessantly for me, so that I may find mercy on the day of Judgment." The elder wept and the woman began her story.

"My native land, holy father, was Egypt. Already during the lifetime of my parents, when I was twelve years old, I renounced their love and went to Alexandria. I am ashamed to recall how there I at first ruined my maidenhood and then unrestrainedly and insatiably gave myself up to sensuality It is more becoming to speak of this briefly, so that you may just know my passion and my lechery. for about seventeen years, forgive me, I lived like that. I was like a fire of public debauch. And it was not for the sake of gain -- here I speak the pure truth. Often when they wished to pay me, I refused the money. I acted in this way so as to make as many men as possible to try to obtain me, doing free of charge what gave me pleasure. do not think that I was rich and that was the reason why I did not take money. I lived by begging, often by spinning flax, but I had an insatiable desire and an irrepressible passion for lying in filth. This was life to me. Every kind of abuse of nature I regarded as life. That is how I lived. Then one summer I saw a large crowd of Lybians and Egyptians running towards the sea. I asked one of them, `Where are these men hurrying to?' He replied, `They are all going to Jerusalem for the Exaltation of the Precious and Lifegiving Cross, which takes place in a few days.' I said to him, `Will they take me with them if I wish to go?' `No one will hinder you if you have money to pay for the journey and for food.' And I said to him, `To tell you truth, I have no money, neither have I food. But I shall go with them and shall go aboard. And they shall feed me, whether they want to or not. I have a body -- they shall take it instead of pay for the journey.' I was suddenly filled with a desire to go, Abba, to have more lovers who could satisfy my passion. 
The Exaltation of the Cross is a feast celebrated in the early church, that commemorates when Saint Helen (the mother of the Roman Emperor Saint Constantine) found the cross Jesus Christ was crucified on. Saint Mary joins these men on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to particpate this holy day. Saint Mary of Egypt continued:

 I am amazed, Abba, how the sea stood our licentiousness, how the earth did not open its jaws, and how it was that hell did not swallow me alive, when I had entangled in my net so many souls. But I think God was seeking my repentance. For He does not desire the death of a sinner but magnanimously awaits his return to Him. At last we arrived in Jerusalem. I spent the days before the festival in the town, living the save kind of life, perhaps even worse. I was not content with the youths I had seduced at sea and who had helped be to get to Jerusalem; many others -- citizens of the town and foreigners -- I also seduced. The holy day of the Exaltation of the Cross dawned while I was still flying about -- hunting for youths. At daybreak I saw that everyone was hurrying to the church, so I ran with the rest. When the hour for the holy elevation approached, I was trying to make my way in with the crowd which was struggling to get through the church doors.

"I had at last squeezed through with great difficulty almost to the entrance of the temple, from which the lifegiving Tree of the Cross was being shown to the people. But when I trod on the doorstep which everyone passed, I was stopped by some force which prevented my entering. Meanwhile I was brushed aside by the crowd and found myself standing alone in the porch. Thinking that this had happened because of my woman's weakness, I again began to work my way into the crowd, trying to elbow myself forward. But in vain I struggled. Again my feet trod on the doorstep over which others were entering the church without encountering any obstacle. I alone seemed to remain unaccepted by the church. It was as if there was a detachment of soldiers standing there to oppose my entrance. Once again I was excluded by the same mighty force and again I stood in the porch. Having repeated my attempt three or four times, at last I felt exhausted and had no more strength to push and to be pushed, so I went aside and stood in a corner of the porch. And only then with great difficulty it began to dawn on me, and I began to understand the reason why I was prevented from being admitted to see the life-giving Cross. The word of salvation gently touched the eyes of my heart and revealed to me that it was my unclean life which barred the entrance to me. I began to weep and lament and beat my breast, and to sigh from the depths of my heart.

"And so I stood weeping when I saw above me the ikon of the most holy Mother of God. Not taking my eyes off her, I said, `O Lady, Mother of God, who gave birth in the flesh to God the Word, I know, O how well I know, that it is no honour or praise to thee when one so impure and depraved as I look up to thy icon, O ever-virgin, who didst keep thy body and soul in purity. Rightly do I inspire hatred and disgust before thy virginal purity. But I have heard that God Who was born of thee became man on purpose to call sinners to repentance. Then help me, for I have no other help. Order the entrance of the church to be opened to me. Allow me to see the venerable Tree on which He Who was born of thee suffered in the flesh and on which He shed His holy Blood for the redemption of sinners an for me, unworthy as I am. Be my faithful witness before thy son that I will never again defile my body by the impurity of fornication, but as soon as I have seen the Tree of the Cross I will renounce the world and its temptations and will go wherever thou wilt lead me.' Thus I spoke and as if acquiring some hope in firm faith and feeling some confidence in the mercy of the Mother of God, I left the place where I stood praying. And I went again and mingled with the crowd that was pushing its way into the temple. And no one seemed to thwart me, no one hindered my entering the church. I was possessed with trembling, and was almost in delirium.

"Having got as far as the doors which I could not reach before -- as if the same force which had hindered me cleared the way for me -- I now entered without difficulty and found myself within the holy place. And so it was I saw the lifegiving Cross. I saw too the Mysteries of God and how the Lord accepts repentance. Throwing myself on the ground, I worshipped that holy earth and kissed it with trembling. The I came out of the church and went to her who had promised to be my security, to the place where I had sealed my vow. And bending my knees before the Virgin Mother of God, I addressed her with these words: `O loving Lady, thou hast shown me thy great love for all men. glory to God Who receives the repentance of sinners through thee. What more can I recollect or say, I who am so sinful? It is time for me, O Lady to fulfil my vow, according to thy witness. Now lead me by the hand along the path of repentance!' And at these words I heard a voice from on high: `If you cross the Jordan you will find glorious rest.' Hearing this voice and having faith that it was for me, I cried to the Mother of God: `O Lady, Lady, do not forsake me!' With these words I left the porch of the church and set off on my journey.

Saint Mary of Egypt had spent 47 years in the desert before meeting Saint Zosima. She spoke then of her continuing struggles agianst her sinful nature, and of God’s providence in aiding her towards repentence
 She said to him: "Believe me, Abba, seventeen years I passed in this desert fighting wild beasts -- mad desires and passions. When I was about to partake of food, I used to begin to regret the meat and fish which of which I had so much in Egypt. I regretted also not having wine which I loved so much. for I drank a lot of wine when I lived in the world, while here I had not even water. I used to burn and succumb with thirst. The mad desire for profligate songs also entered me and confused me greatly, edging me on to sing satanic songs which I had learned once. But when such desires entered me I struck myself on the breast and reminded myself of the vow which I had made, when going into the desert. In my thoughts I returned to the ikon of the Mother of God which had received me and to her I cried in prayer. I implored her to chase away the thoughts to which my miserable soul was succumbing. And after weeping for long and beating my breast I used to see light at last which seemed to shine on me from everywhere. And after the violent storm, lasting calm descended.

"And how shall I tell you, O Abba, of the thoughts that pushed me towards lust once more? A fire was kindled in my miserable heart which seemed to burn me up completely and to awake in me a thirst for embraces. As soon as this craving came to me, I flung myself on the earth and watered it with my tears, as if I saw before me my witness, who had appeared to me in my disobedience, and who seemed to threaten punishment for the crime. And I did not rise from the ground (sometimes I lay thus prostrate for a day and a night) until a calm and sweet light descended and enlightened me and chased away the thoughts that possessed me. But always I turned to the eyes of my mind to my Protectress, asking her to extend help to one who was sinking fast in the waves of the desert. And I always had her as my Helper and the Accepter of my repentance. And thus I lived for seventeen years amid constant dangers. And since then even till now the Mother of God helps me in everything and leads me as it were by the hand."

Zosima asked: "Can it be that you did not need food and clothing?" She answered: "After finishing the loaves I had, of which I spoke, for seventeen years I have fed on herbs and all that can be found in the desert. The clothes I had when I crossed the Jordan became torn and worn out. I suffered greatly from the cold and greatly from the extreme heat. At times the sun burned me up and at other times I shivered from the frost, and frequently falling to the ground I lay without breath and without motion. I struggled with many afflictions and with terrible temptations. But from that time till now the power of God in numerous ways had guarded my sinful soul and my humble body. When I only reflect on the evils from which Our Lord has delivered me I have imperishable food for hope o of salvation. I am fed and clothed by the all-powerful Word of God, the Lord of all. For it is not by bread alone that man lives. And those who have stripped off the rags of sin have no refuge, hiding themselves in the clefts of the rocks (Job 24; Heb. 11:38)." 
 Having concluded her tale, Saint Mary of Egypt asked Saint Zosima to pray for her, and to not tell anyone of what he had seen until she passed away. Saint Mary then told Saint Zosima they would meet again the next year, and asked him to prepare holy communion for her. He did meet her again under miraculous circumstances, and Saint Zisoma was able to give her communion. Saint Mary passed shortly after that, on April 1, 522. Saint Zosima buried her body, after a lion miraculously showed up to help dig her grave.
 Saint Mary of Egypt is incredibly important in the Lenten services of the Eastern Orthodox church, as a model of proper Christian repentance, and for showing how God is capable of rescuing even the most wretched sinner who repents. The Orthodox Metropolitan Anthony of Sorouzh gave a wonderful homily in 2000 about her, and we will quote from it
Mary of Egypt was a sinner. She was a harlot. She was unfaithful to God

in her soul and in her body. She had no reverence for this body which God had created

and this soul. And yet she was tragically confronted with the fact that there was no way for

her into the temple of God unless she rejected evil and chose purity, repentance, newness

of life.

Let us reflect on the disciples who almost begged Christ not to return to Jerusalem,

because Jerusalem was a city where all prophets had died; and they did not want Christ to

die, and they were afraid. Let us ask ourselves how much we resemble them. And let us

ask ourselves freely today how do we resemble, or not, Mary of Egypt - Mary who had

lived her life according to her own ways and desires, followed all temptations of her body

and soul; and one day realised that as she was, she could not enter the temple of God.

So easily do we enter the divine temple, forgetting so easily that the church into which we

come is a small part of a world that has chosen to be alien to God, that has rejected God,

lost interest in Him; and that the few believers have created for God a place of refuge -

yes, the church is the fullness of Heaven, and at the same time a tragic place of refuge, the

only place where God has a right to be because He is wanted. And when we come here, we

enter into the divine realm. We should come into it with a sense of awe, not just walk into

it as into a space but walk into it as a space which is already the divine Kingdom.

If we were in that mood we would, when we come to the doors of the church, be, however

little, like Mary of Egypt. We would stop and say, 'How can I come in?' And if we did that

with our whole heart, broken-heartedly, with a sense of horror of the fact that we are so

distant from God, so alien, so unfaithful to Him, then the doors would open and we would

see that we are not simply in a big space surrounded with walls but we are in a space

which is God's Heaven come to earth.

Let us therefore learn from this experience what it means to go step by step towards the

Resurrection, because in order to reach the Resurrection we must go through Calvary, we

must go through the tragedy of Holy Week and make it our own, partaking with Christ

and His disciples and the crowds around in the horror, the terror of it; and also

experience it as a scorching fire that will burn in us all that is unworthy of God and make

us clean. And perhaps one day, when the fire will have burnt everything which is not

worthy of God, each of us may become an image of the burning bush, aflame with divine

fire and not consumed, because only that which could survive the fire of God would have

remained is us. Amen

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Christian saints podcast. Look for the Christian Saints podcast page on Facebook or Instagram, or look for us on Twitter at podcast_saints. All music in this episode was composed by my good friend, James John Marks of Generative sounds. Please check out his music at

To end this episode, I will quote from another Homily, this time by Saint Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow

  The life of St. Mary teaches us that there is no sin that could overcome the mercy of God, there is no abyss of dissoluteness that we could not rise from by the grace of God and by taking the path of faith and repentance. What we need is to be attentive to hear the voice of divine grace that calls us to transformation. We should follow the saving thought of abandoning sin and giving up our sinful life wherever and whenever it embraces us. We will obviously not leave for a desert, as St. Mary did (the example of her life is truly wonderful), but we should fight our sins and passions despite everything. May St. Mary of Egypt, through her prayers, help us succeed!