Christian Saints Podcast
The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Paradosis Pavilion & Generative Sounds which explores the calendar of The Church
Episodes are hosted by James John Marks of Chicago, with oversight by Fr Symeon Kees, a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, through which he is currently serving St Raphael Orthodox Church in Iowa City.
If this podcast is edifying for you, please consider the entire Paradosis Pavilion catalog as well as the music of Generative Sounds
Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images
Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press - http://www.saintdemetriuspress.com
Please forgive us our shortcomings, and pray for us
Christian Saints Podcast
Saint Lucian the Martyr of Antioch
Saint Lucian the Martyr of Antioch (Oct 15)
Reference materials for this episode:
https://www.antiochpatriarchate.org/en/page/806/ - saint’s biography
http://nttextualcriticism.blogspot.com/2011/06/metzger-on-lucianic-recension.html - analysis of Saint Jerome’s (and others) comments about the Lucian recension
https://www.tertullian.org/decretum_eng.htm - translation of the Decretum Gelasianum
https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/jerome_preface_gospels.htm - complete translation of the preface to Jerome’s four gospels
https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2009/10/orthodoxy-of-lucian-of-antioch.html - Lucian being accepted back into the church when it is clear his theology is sound rather than because he recanted previous error
https://christianpublishinghouse.co/2019/09/07/lucian-of-antioch-c-240-312-c-e-the-path-to-the-byzantine-text/ - suggests Lucian had to be corrected & his conciliatory statement was humble repentance
https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3801.htm - canons of the Council of Nicaea, including the synodal letter condemning Arius, Lucian’s name is nowhere here
https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Lucian_of_Antioch - indicates Lucian’s students being accepted by eastern bishops
https://catholic.net/op/articles/1642/cat/1205/st-lucian-of-antioch.html - mentions Lucian being excommunicated, refers to Lucian as potentially a heretic, also contains extended section about Lucian’s witness during his torture
http://ww1.antiochian.org/orthodox-prayers/preparation-holy-communion - pre-communion prayers
http://ww1.antiochian.org/orthodox-prayers/thanksgiving-after-communion - post-communion prayers
Scripture citations for this episode:
Genesis 3 - the brazen serpent, the devil, becomes the ruler of D
The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sounds & Paradosis Pavilion with oversight from Fr Symeon Kees
Paradosis Pavilion - https://youtube.com/@paradosispavilion9555
Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images
Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press - http://www.saintdemetriuspress.com
All music in these episodes is a production of Generative Sounds
Distribution rights of this episode & all music contained in it are controlled by Generative Sounds
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